Monday 19 September 2016

WALK FOR WATER on PhotoPeach


A group of students  from Havelock North Intermediate School walked from their school to Civic Square in Hastings for water. Photo / Duncan Brown
A group of students from Havelock North Intermediate School walked from their school to Civic Square in Hastings forwaterPhoto / Duncan Brown
A group of Havelock North Intermediate students now know what it's like to trek for water.
Room 6, led by Karen Stephenson, yesterday walked from the school gates on Nimon St in Havelock North to civic square in Hastings. Then they walked back with their brightly coloured banners, an 11km round trip.
They were inspired by the recent gastro outbreak and a book they were studying for their "change makers" unit.
Long Walk to Water was about Salva, one of the lost boys of Sudan, who had started a charity after his father became sick with a water-borne disease.
"Water for Sudan" raises money to build wells for villages around Sudan and the children in the class wanted to show their support.
"They wanted to raise $1000 so we have planned a series of fundraisers to help build a well."
The walk to the civic square was so they could experience what it was like towalk a long distance every day to get this vital element.
"After many of them were sick from the water in Havelock North, it only strengthened their resolve to try to bring change for the people in Sudan," Ms Stephenson said.
"Room 6 and parents were incredible, making it all the way to Hastings and back. I am proud to be their teacher."

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Thank-you to the Warehouse for donating something "amazing" to the girls raffle for "Water for Sudan".  Great job girls and lovely smiles!

Well done Jorja for representing Room 6 at the Hawkes Bay Science and Technology Fair! Jorja's "Is It Really Clean?" also won a prize at the Fair.